Acupuncture can help you manage neuropathy symptoms so you can stay active, have less pain, and continue to live your life without restriction.
It is one of the few treatments that has been shown to help improve symptoms and nerve function, helping people feel better but also promoting healing.
It is important to realize that early acupuncture treatment is essential for all peripheral neuropathy regardless of the cause.

How Does Acupuncture Work For Neuropathy?
Acupuncture is a technique used to treat pain and relieve discomfort. Acupuncture is a technique used to treat pain and relieve discomfort.
The needles used in acupuncture are inserted into your body’s pressure points to stimulate the nervous system. This releases endorphins, your body’s natural painkillers, in the muscles, spine, and brain. This technique changes your body’s response to pain.
Many people with neuropathy turn to acupuncture to relieve their chronic pain. Acupuncture also stimulates blood flow to restore nerve damage.
Though research is still being done to test the effectiveness of acupuncture on peripheral neuropathy, there have been some successful studies.

Benefits Of Using Acupuncture For Neuropathy
Acupuncture is really good at restoring blood flow and stimulating the body’s nerve pathways. It can also help with nerve regeneration and preservation. If there has been nerve damage or diminished sensation, during acupuncture we target treatment in these areas to re-stimulate those nerve fibers. The benefits of using acupuncture for neuropothy are many, including:

Reduced Pain

Stimulate Blood Flow

Restore Nerve Damage

Acupuncture is commonly used to treat headaches, back pain and joint pain. It’s also used to treat neurological and digestive disorder symptoms. For those who are looking for a different approach to addressing neuropathy, acupuncture may be worth considering.

Can Acupuncture Help You With Nerve Pain?
Treatment in western medicine depends on the cause. In many cases, peripheral neuropathy symptoms improve with time when the underlying condition that is causing it gets treated. In order to manage the painful symptoms, a number of medications are often used. Unfortunately, these medications are for symptomatic management only and do not affect the disease course and they have various side effects including sedation, leg swelling, paradoxical agitation and weight gain.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, pain and dysfunction as a result of peripheral neuropathy are caused by a blockage of qi-energy and blood. If qi-energy and blood don’t flow properly, it prevents cells and tissues from receiving nourishment and can lead to pain and functional problems. In addition, depending on the symptoms experienced, there may be specific meridians that are also affected by the condition.
This can affect where the pain and numbness are occurring, and can also be responsible for accompanying symptoms. Acupuncture treatment typically will involve both local points to treat the meridians affected and the symptoms experienced, combined with points for strengthening and building up the body to augment qi-energy and blood.

Pricing & Procedure

Acupuncture needles are metallic, solid, and hair-thin. People experience acupuncture differently, but most feel no or minimal pain as needles are inserted. Some people are energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed.
Pricing depends on the individual’s treatment plan & goals. Every patient is unique and will require different treatments, which will be determined during the consultation.

When is the best time to start acupuncture treatment for nerve pain?
Many people who have peripheral neuropathy will improve over time, particularly with effective treatment of the underlying condition causing nerve problems. Unfortunately, other people have more persistent pain.
While medications can help manage symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, they do not stall the course of the disease — and some have nasty side effects. Anyone with peripheral neuropathy should try acupuncture to get relief, particularly if medications and other strategies haven’t worked.
How many acupuncture sessions will I need?
It depends. You might need multiple sessions before you notice improvement. A typical treatment course consists of weekly sessions for 6 to 10 weeks, followed by maintenance sessions beginning every other week and extending to once every month.
Are there additional alternative peripheral neuropathy treatments?
In addition to acupuncture, you can use home remedies to treat symptoms of neuropathy.
Regular exercise helps to increase blood circulation throughout the body, specifically the arms and legs. Increased blood circulation can help to restore nerve damage and reduce neuropathic pain. Exercise can also help to lower blood sugar levels, aid in weight loss, and strengthen the body.
Another home treatment for pain involves limiting your alcohol intake. Alcohol can increase nerve damage, and is sometimes the cause of neuropathy.
Taking a warm bath is also thought to soothe neuropathic pain. Warm water stimulates the body and increase blood circulation. As a result, pain symptoms decrease.

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