Acupuncture For Breech Babies
At Yin’s Acupuncture Clinic, we have a reputation for being able to help to turn breech babies. While it may sound unconventional to some, acupuncture has proven safe and effective in encouraging a breech baby to move head-down before delivery.

What Is A Breech Pregnancy?
Many OB doctors are referring their patients to us when they find out that the baby is breech.
A breech baby is one whose head is upward so that she is likely to come out feet first. There are a few different types of breech presentations.
- Complete breech — baby is sitting on heels
- Footling breech — feet first
- Frank breech — bottom first, with feet up by the head
Breech presentations affect 4% of pregnancies, but most of the time, the baby turns by the 36th week. If the baby continues to be breech, however, most OBs advise a C-section, so it’s worth trying to get the baby to turn if you can.

Benefits Of Choosing Acupuncture For Breech Babies
Breech presentation can be a stressful situation for both the mother and baby. Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body and benefits the mother by:

Relax The Uterine Muscles

Encourage Correct Position For Birth

Safe And Non-Invasive

As with any medical procedure, it is important to consult with qualified acupuncturists who have experience in the specific area.
Pricing & Procedure

Acupuncture needles are metallic, solid, and hair-thin. People experience acupuncture differently, but most feel no or minimal pain as needles are inserted. Some people are energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed.
Pricing depends on the individual’s treatment plan & goals. Every patient is unique and will require different treatments, which will be determined during the consultation.

How does acupuncture help turn a breech baby?
Is acupuncture treatment safe for turning a breech baby?
Can acupuncture help with other pregnancy-related issues in addition to turning a breech baby?

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